
Brand Experience // Visual Identity

D.Phone is a Chinese retailer of mobile phones and accessories owned by Dixintong.
Founded in 1993, it has currently over 1300 stores, more than 800 directly owned and others franchise businesses, in 25 provinces and municipalities in China.

After the creation of a D.Phone UP+ stores which focussed mainly on innovative tech products Clear were asked to develop a store concept that delivered a new shopping experience for the majority of the 1300 stores focussed on selling phones and contracts.

Through a series of stakeholder interviews we uncovered what lay at the heart of the D.Phone brand.
’Unparalleled Service’.
This completely changed the approach to designing the new brand experience pushing our focus on showcasing the consumer not the products or contracts. Putting people first and building sociable spaces for families and friendship groups. Using technology to free up the opportunity to have important face to face conversations.

The logo also needed to live up to the promise of the experience so the process of reduction back to a simplified logo that works across tier 1-5 cities in both Mandarin and English and which also more importantly worked across both physical and digital. The visual identity system developed around a new way to communicate D.Phone’s unique service proposition using a new colour and series of animations.

With the support of it’s digital partners AliPay and Huawei, two beta stores launched in 2020 - Shanghai and Beijing to test and learn before a full roll out.



