
Pop-Up Experience // POS

Across the months of November - January, Clear created 3 pop-up experiences for Intel in the USA. Los Angeles - Abbot Kinney, Chicago - Lincoln Park and New York City - Little Italy. The experience was designed to serve those local communities across the Holiday Season which can be seen as quite a stressful period as well as being a time of happiness.

The Intel Pop-Up not only embraced those happy times with a series of programmed events but also looked at how it could help local people with everything from organising travel, drop off and pick up point for gifts, lessons and workshops as well as a place to shop, trial, meet and simply enjoy spending time with others in your community.

Being an entirely programmed experience the store also became a venue for live-music providing a platform for new young artsts as well as a venue for live-sport.

3 simultaneous openings were carried out all designed to tread lightly and leave a lasting positive impression of the power of the Intel chip.



