Telenor Hungary

Retail Experience

‘Transformational Customer Experience that empowers societies’. Thats what drove Telenor Hungary to revolutionise it’s retail stores.
Clear embarked on an Omnichannel journey with Telenor, transforming their stores and consumer retail behaviour at the same time. Making peoples lives easier and allowing them to enjoy a richer entertainment and media experience.

Every aspect of the journey was considered allowing the ‘handing off’ of baskets created on device to the store or to other shopping platforms. The bricks and mortar store had to behave in a new way. Embracing ‘Live’ allowing for ‘Play’ and enabling the consumer to ‘Control’ every aspect of their mobile life.

Clear created a store production that heroed the Telenor differentiator ‘Hipernet’.
Not a speed but instead a guarantee of the fastest available speed at any time. This alternative attitude allowed the design of the space to be planned as a calendar of events that showcased everything from the more traditional products and services to live events and social gatherings.

Hipernet for All



